
Ovata is characterized by high winter hardiness and frost resistance, which, along with late flowering dates, makes it suitable for growing in the most extreme climatic conditions. The tree is strong-growing with a pyramidal bark. The angle of departure of skeletal branches is 80−30°. It enters into fruiting in the first 3−4 years. It has partial laterality and loads well.
The fruits are large, each weighing more than 19 g. The kernel yield exceeds 45%. The kernel is extracted whole, and has a pronounced taste. The type of flowering is protoandric. Female flowers bloom late.
Pollinators: Kursky, Chernovitsky 1.
Resistant to bacteriosis.
The winter of 2011−2012 with a decrease to -32°C in February was endured without consequences.

Type of fruiting: Mixed

Planting scheme: 10x12