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How to plant WALNUT Seedlings

Planting a walnut tree is nothing complicated, but some details must be observed, so we have prepared you a detailed instruction manual

Once you receive plants, keep the roots moist until planting. Never allow the roots of plants to dry out. It is best to plant them on the day you receive them. If for any reason you need to postpone planting for a couple of days or longer, you need to store the plants properly to keep them healthy.

You need to cover the roots temporarily with sand or soil. Keep the sand/soil moist. Watering once every 3−5 days is enough. It is best to keep plants indoors. Alternatively, you can also keep them outdoors, but remember to keep them in the shade (never leave plants out in the sun). If you follow this procedure, plants can be stored for several weeks.


Storing plants

We recommend digging holes for plants before you receive them.
Mark out where you will plant the plants. The spacing between plants should ideally be 10×10 m. In other words, 10 metres between rows and 10 metres between plants. After marking the spots, start digging holes. Each hole should be about 60 centimetres wide and 60 centimetres deep.


Digging holes

You will need a shovel, a pruning knife and water. Before planting, look at the roots of the plant. If you see dead or broken roots, cut them off with a pruning knife.


Planting plants

Place the roots of the plant in the hole and distribute the roots evenly in all directions. It is very important that the grafting point remains above the soil after planting. Otherwise, the plant may start rotting. If the hole is too deep, add soil to the bottom of the hole.

Now we are ready to bury the plant’s roots in the soil. Make sure to hold the plant straight with one hand. After adding the soil, compact it with your hands or feet so that there are no air pockets. Once you have finished planting the plant, you will not be able to pull it out of the ground easily if you pull it with your hands.

After planting, pour 5 to 10 litres of water onto the plant. Water moistens the roots and helps the plant to settle in. If you are planting the plant during winter months, soil should be shaped so that it prevents rainwater from accumulating at the bottom of the plant.

Once you have done the first watering, do not water them again until they begin to leaf out. When the plant is dormant, it does not perform photosynthesis and consume water. Also, watering the plant during the dormant period can fill the oxygen channels in the soil. This can suffocate the plant. For this reason, follow this very important and simple rule: no leaves = no water.


Watering the plants

The final step is to prune the plant at a certain height.
When plants are transplanted, they lose some of their roots. Pruning during planting helps to balance the body of the plant with its roots. You need to cut the plant just above four to six buds above the grafting point. Usually 60 to 70 centimetres above the ground (at the hip level). When you cut the plant, make sure that you cut it at an angle of 45 degrees. Do not cut straight. After pruning, you can apply grafting vax to the top of the plant (this is optional).
Pruning is very important and you should never skip this step! Otherwise, the top of your plants can dry out over time.


Pruning the plants